Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Glenn Beck cause of Whitehouse.Gov Waffle on Obama speech?

Glenn Beck presented a June 20, 2011 report from Whitehouse.Gov on a speech by Mr. Obama at a DNC event. The transcript stated:
"Over the last 15 months we’ve created over 2.1 million private sector jobs. (Laughter.)"
After the episode of Glenn Beck on Fox News, it appears that http://www.whitehouse.gov/ has changed the story to say:
"Over the last 15 months we’ve created over 2.1 million private sector jobs. (Applause.)"
Glenn began the show with video of a White House staffer promising a solar panel powered water heater to be installed on the roof of the White House by the end of spring. That promise was made 253 days ago and today is the official start of summer. Like most other Obama administration promises it went unfulfilled.

I have to wonder how there are two separate http://www.whitehouse.gov/ reports from the DNC event:
It is no wonder that the waffler in chief is now discussing pulling troops from Afghanistan. We stay in Afghanistan to appease the majority of Americans while pulling troops out to appease the radical left. What the White House needs on the roof is not a water heater, it is a teeter totter.

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