Inauguration Day
Joe Biden right now listening to Trump talk about ending government
censorship and the weaponization of justice:
3 weeks ago
Doo Doo Economics are the policies of overspending, printing money, neglecting the key economics issues, bad science and promoting entitlement programs which all add up to higher taxes during a recession and economic unsustainablility.
"Police said two vehicles ended up in the church parking lot after some sort of argument between the drivers. Police said one vehicle was chasing the other. The man who was being chased got out of his vehicle and entered the church and told people to take cover. A woman came out of the church to see what was happening in the parking lot and got shot.The new media has reported this fact, but ABC, NBC and CBS have been silent so far.
Police said an off-duty officer was at a service and went outside and shot the man who shot the woman"
Translated into English, Mr. Cassidy is saying something like: (apologies for inaccurate translations)
- Gun laws and gun deaths are unconnected.
- Private enterprise is good; public enterprise is bad.
- God created America and gave it a special purpose.
- Our health-care system is the best there is.
- The Founding Fathers were saintly figures who established liberty and democracy for everyone.
- America is the greatest country in the world.
- Tax rates are too high.
- America is a peace-loving nation: the reason it gets involved in so many wars is that foreigners keep attacking us.
- Cheap energy, gasoline especially, is our birthright.
- Everybody else wishes they were American.
Under the M'Naghten rule, a criminal defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity if, at the time of the alleged criminal act, the defendant was so deranged that she did not know the nature or quality of her actions or, if she knew the nature and quality of her actions, she was so deranged that she did not know that what she was doing was wrong.Holmes planned the attack for a reason. The planning took up to 4 months. Common usage of the term "crazy" refers to people in an extremely agitated state. The shooter is not "crazy" by common usage, and does not seem to fit the M'Nagthen rule. should be taken not to confuse such mental disease or defect with moral obliquity, mental depravity, or passion growing out of anger, revenge, hatred, or other motives, and kindred evil conditions, for when the act is induced by any of these causes the person is accountable to the lawInsanity is an individual legal defense. There is an eye witness report that the shooter had help.
We have no information that he acted with anyone else at this time.Police Chief Oats also added "serious calculation and deliberation on his part", "the FBI has been helpful" and "investigators are working on" where the money came from.
"Trying to smear a movement that has the support of tens of millions of Americans with the actions of a likely psychotic monster is incredibly disrepectful to the victims, their families and the people of the United States.No person contacted in the Occupy San Diego movement recognized James Holmes.
If it turns out that the individual had ever participated in any Occupy activity, along with millions of Americans, in a unique forum where NO ONE was denied the chance to contribute, then it means as little about the Occupy movement as the many acts of violence connected to known Tea Party supporters mean about the Tea Party movement's goals.
Actually, it means LESS, since Tea Party sympathizers have been found trying to bomb the border after hearing calls for landmines along the Rio Grande at a Phoenix Tea Party formal speech, for example, whereas the Occupy movement has always stood TOTALLY AGAINST ALL VIOLENCE against people, in every statement, every GA and among the organizers of every major event." Leif
"Speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of The Dark Knight Rises, I would like to express our profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community. I would not presume to know anything about the victims of the shooting but that they were there last night to watch a movie. I believe movies are one of the great American art forms and the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theater is my home, and the idea that someone would violate that innocent and hopeful place in such an unbearably savage way is devastating to me. Nothing any of us can say could ever adequately express our feelings for the innocent victims of this appalling crime, but our thoughts are with them and their families."5) I am a tea partier and not an occupier. It is my goal to be fair, but find the truth. Truth has become so rare that it now interrupts our self-involved fantasy worlds and enrages many of us. Truth has become a blinding light in a pitch black room. It is up to "we the people" to find and remember truth as the media has become to corrupted and unreliable. So, I apologize for anything that I get wrong. Hopefully, you will correct me when needed, but let's remember:
Under the M'Naghten rule, a criminal defendant is not guilty by reason of insanity if, at the time of the alleged criminal act, the defendant was so deranged that she did not know the nature or quality of her actions or, if she knew the nature and quality of her actions, she was so deranged that she did not know that what she was doing was wrong.Holmes planned the attack for a reason. The planning took up to 4 months. Common usage of the term "crazy" refers to people in an extremely agitated state. The shooter is not "crazy" by common usage, and does not seem to fit the M'Nagthen rule. should be taken not to confuse such mental disease or defect with moral obliquity, mental depravity, or passion growing out of anger, revenge, hatred, or other motives, and kindred evil conditions, for when the act is induced by any of these causes the person is accountable to the law2) James Holmes has been targeted by Jailhouse Justice per fellow SLOBs writter Lipstick Underground:
Update 7/23 11 AM:“Kid Killer! Kid Killer! Kid Killer!”That was the threatening welcome fellow inmates of the Colorado Arapahoe Detention Center gave unapologetic James Holmes when he arrived at the jailhouse Saturday.
SFGate reviewer Mick LaSalle offered the following in his review 'The Dark Knight Rises' review: Mostly falls flat:"I never said that the villain was created by the comic book character creator to be part of the 2012 campaign. I never said that at all. Everybody’s out there running around saying I got this giant conspiracy theory that the Batman people, the creators, the comic book creators, created this thing to campaign against Romney. I never said that. I didn’t say there was a conspiracy."The story originated this week with the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard, who reported that Democrats were planning to use the villain Bane, as a way to remind voters of Romney’s connection to his company, Bain Capital.
Bedard quoted a Democratic strategist who suggested that “the narratives are similar: a highly intelligent villain with offshore interests and a past both are seeking to cover up who had a powerful father and is set on pillaging society."
Bane's dastardly plot involves a massive transfer of wealth using the stock exchange. It consists further of inciting civil unrest and taking control of cutting-edge technologies that can be used for good or ill. Nolan's critique of Wall Street is implicit in the portrayal of the rapacious and arrogant Wall Street traders, but some uneasiness about the Occupy movement is evident, as well, in the film's depiction of people's tribunals. However, to say that the movie steers a middle course would be to impose coherence on what seems more like a scattered set of fears and impressions.USA today chimes in:
While The Dark Knight Rises is currently experiencing a glowing 84% "fresh" rating on, the film has been deemed "rotten" by a few critics, including Marshall Fine of Hollywood & Fine, Christy Lemire of the Associated Press and Nick Pinkerton of the Village Voice. Fine lambasted Dark Knight Rises for being "nonsensical," and Lemire called it a "letdown."My suggestion to tea party types, occupy types and superhero fans is to go buy tickets immediately.
"As a movie writer and critic, Christy gives her opinion and we expect people will agree with some of her reviews and disagree with others," said Lou Ferrara, the AP managing editor who oversees entertainment. "It's unfortunate when the conversation turns ugly."
RT @HesRobbyG: I think _Christopher_ _Nolan_ might've been trying to say something with the script he wrote..
— Christopher Nolan (@CutChristopher) July 22, 2012
We join the spokes together in a wheel,Allow me to badly translate. We create and use structure to live and create using our individual freedom (lack of restriction).
but it is the center hole
that makes the wagon move.
We shape clay into a pot,
but it is the emptiness inside
that holds whatever we want.
We hammer wood for a house,
but it is the inner space
that makes it livable.
We work with being,
but non-being is what we use.
The true teacher realizes that there is nothing to teach; that is why he can teach anyone who wants to learn. Tao te Ching p. 90 (notes on the above quote)The president does not want to learn from our wisdom. This is the best argument that he is simply a fool. Unfortunately, when the foolish idealism of collectivist socialism fails it evolves into murderous fascist socialism. With that in mind, it does not matter whether President Obama is good or evil. Both paths lead to tyranny.
Studies showed Truvada to be more than 90 percent effective at preventing HIV infection among test subjects who took the drug as prescribed, but only 44 percent effective among test populations that included intermittent use.The high cost of the drug, about $14,000 annually, may put it out of reach for many at-risk individuals. The pending ObamaCare / ObamaTax scheme could further prevent access to the drug due to a focus on cost cutting. Despite the common perception of President Obama's supporters, progressives have historically used "reproductive health" and "eugenics" to justify the removal of "undesirables" from society.
The Bell Curve argued that immigration from countries with low national IQ is undesirable. According to Raymond Cattell, "when a country is opening its doors to immigration from diverse countries, it is like a farmer who buys his seeds from different sources by the sack, with sacks of different average quality of contents".The moral to this story is that our friends on the left need to think about the world in front of them.
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Gun ban, I had no choice! |
There are many like me, and fewer of them would be alive today were it not for exercise of their gun rights. In fact law-abiding citizens in America used guns in self-defense 2.5 million times during 1993 (about 6,850 times per day), and actually shot and killed 2 1/2 times as many criminals as police did (1,527 to 606). Those civilian self-defense shootings resulted in less than 1/5th as many incidents as police where an innocent person was mistakenly identified as a criminal (2% versus 11%).
Just how effectively have gun bans worked to make citizens safer in other countries? Take the number of home break-ins while residents are present as an indication. In Canada and Britain, both with tough gun-control laws, nearly half of all burglaries occur when residents are present. But in the U.S. where many households are armed, only about 13% happen when someone is home.
Recognizing clear statistical benefit evidence, 41 states now allow competent, law-abiding adults to carry permitted or permit-exempt concealed handguns. As a result, crime rates in those states have typically fallen at least 10% in the year following enactment
You do need to think about the political economy, very much. I thought we just had a rather dramatic refutation of the notion that fiscal stimulus leads to a permanent increase in spending. Certainly in the United States, when the original inadequate Obama Recovery Act was proposed there were many people wisely saying "Oh, that spending will never go away."Yes, thanks to the tea party, the porkulus did not become a permanent government program.
None of it remained. We had a moderate program of infrastructure spending, has not been renewed. We had moderate aid to state and local governments, it has expired. We even had a withdrawal of extended unemployment benefits despite the fact that we continue to have a record number of long term unemployed.
So there has been no hint at all of these things turning into permanent government programs. On the contrary, the actual way that the political dynamics work was that the stimulus was withdrawn much too soon. So maybe that is an exceptional story, but certainly this time around the wisdom about what always happens with government increases in spending turns out to be 100% wrong.
No, we count on you to give our words life!
I would like to take the time to remind everyone how lucky we are to have the women of the tea party movement.
Everyone needs encouragement to pursue our passions and dreams. We who can look to our partners for encouragement are blessed. We men, who strongly believe in freedom and our republic are too often dissuaded for fear of looking brash, ungentlemanly and angry. We rely on the encouragement of those we love.
Many political movements in America's history have been championed by women. The women of the tea party are another shining example of great American heroes. It is hard for me to imagine even a fraction of the success we have all shared without them.
As upsetting as the news has been, we still have hope. Without all of our combined efforts, the world would be facing a much darker future. "A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong." (Tecumseh) It is obvious, in my eyes, what bundles us together.