Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Obama Backing Unions Kill Twinkies UPDATE

Obama Backing Unions Kill Twinkies
UPDATE November 21, 2012 1:06 PM Pacific Standard Time:

Per Hostess Brands Information:
Hostess Brands Inc. announced that the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York today approved its emergency interim motion for the orderly wind down of its business and sale of its assets.
For employees whose jobs will be immediately eliminated, additional information can be found at this website, which also contains a copy of the Company’s wind down motion and information for customers and vendors.

November 21, 12 12:02 AM Pacific Standard Time:
It is now official Obama backing unions killed Twinkies.

Per Hostess Brands Information:
Irving, TX – Hostess Brands Inc. announced today that a mediation today with the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco and Grain Millers Union was unsuccessful. The Company will have no further comment until a hearing scheduled for tomorrow at 11 a.m., EST, before the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.
We knew that Hostess was headed for liquidation while the media laid America's "last chance" hopes upon doomed mediation. Fellow SLOBs author Left Coast Rebel wondered "When will the federal government and the Obama Administration propose a bailout for Hostess and their 18,000 union workers?" The answer is NEVER.

Judge Robert Drain of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in White Plains, N.Y. will make a final determination if Hostess can shut down and liquidate. BusinessWeek reports:
Hostess, based in Irving, Texas, is asking the judge for approval to shut down 36 bakeries, 242 depots, 216 retail stores, and 311 hybrid depot-store facilities, according to court filings. There are 58 other leased or owned sites used for storage, warehousing of products or parking. The plants are in 22 states, stretching from Alaska to New Jersey.

The demise of Hostess was obvious for two reasons. First and foremost, we reported that the bakery union,
"...feared a deal would pull down wages and benefits throughout the industry, without saving Hostess."
So, we decided to enjoy our last Twinkie. Second, the bakery union is a big Obama backer. This means they are entitled progressives. Unfortunately, the bakery union is not big enough or rich enough to get an Obama bailout.

How do we know the Bakery, Confectionary, Tobacco and Grain Millers Union is a big Obama donor. They gave $75,000 of their now 18,500 unemployed former Hostess workers' money in Obama backing political donations. That's right, they didn't spend the money on accountants or financial consultants, they spent it on Democrats elections.

Lets do a little investigation of where the money went. Exciting stuff!!

First, who reported bakery union donations? (click to enlarge)

Obama Backing Bakery Union Kills Hostess

Where did the AFL-CIO Workers' Voices spend that money? (click to enlarge)

Total For Democrats: $3,323,379
Total Against Democrats: ($3,782)
Total For Republicans: $1,171
Total Against Republicans: $3,563,351

Where does American Bridge spend the money? (click to enlarge)
As a super PAC, American Bridge can accept unlimited donations and is largely funded by major Democratic donors and labor unions. Billionaire hedge fund manager George Soros, a well-known supporter of liberal causes, is the group’s largest donor.
American Bridge Donations
CREDO Mobile? Where do they spend political money? (click to enlarge)
This movement has raised more than $70 million for progressive nonprofit groups that are working on the front lines of social change.
CREDO Mobile Donations
Progressive Colorado Voters is obviously extremist left, but who is America Votes Action Fund? (click to enlarge)

Opposes Democrats: $0.00
Opposes Republicans: $44,409.84
Supports Democrats: $44,157.67
Supports Republicans: $0.00

America Votes Political Donations
On to President Obama's #WarOnWomen fund, Women Vote! (click to enlarge)
Electing Women for Progressive Change
Women Vote! Political Donations
Whoa, we seem to be in a loop now, but one last peek behind the lefty iron curtain, who is Majority PAC? (click to enlarge)
Majority PAC is fighting to protect the Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate in 2012. 
Majority PAC Political Contributions

Ok, that is enough of that. It is time to return to informing America that President Barack Obama sold weapons to Al Qaeda in Benghazi. Weapons that Ambassador Stevens was trying to get back. Weapons that are now targeting Israel.


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