If you hate politics, this latest speech by President Obama isn't going to help the situation. Due to the problems with the ObamaCare disaster, he has unilaterally decided that you can keep your insurance plan until the 2014 election. It is a brazen political move that shows a complete lack of compassion.
"Already, people who have plans that predate the affordable care act can keep those plan if they haven’t changed. That was already in the law. That is what is called a "Grandfather clause" and it was included in the law.There is nothing that makes previously cancelled plans available at the previous price. Surprisingly, they did not promise additional subsidies to lower cost of new plans by using the federal treasury as a political weapon. This is president Obama's 20th "administrative" change to the law and it doesn't improve the situation for anyone.
Today, we are going to extend that principal both to people whose plans HAVE changed since the law took effect and to people who bought plans since the law took effect.
So, State Insurance Commissioners still have the power to decide what plans can and can’t be sold in their states, but the bottom line is issuers can extend current plans that would otherwise be cancelled into 2014 and Americans who's plans have been cancelled can choose to re-enroll in the same 'kind of' plan.
We are also requiring insurers to extend current plans to inform their customers about two things. One, what protections these renewed plans don’t include. Number Two, that the marketplace offers new options with better coverage and tax credits that MIGHT help you bring down the cost."
The president added, in response to questions, some very headline grabbing statements.
"I think it is legitimate for them to expect me to have to win back some credibility on this healthcare law in particular and on a whole range of these issues in general. Thats on me. We fumbled the rollout of this healthcare law."
"There is a whole bunch of stuff we did well.." (he then listed several items that were implemented by private insurance companies)
"We are also discovering that insurance is complicated to buy."
"Another mistake we made was underestimating the difficulties of people purchasing insurance online and shopping for a lot of options, with a lot of cost and benefits and plans. Uhh, and somehow expecting that would be very smooth and then they've also got to try to apply for tax credits on the website."
"Part of what we are realizing is that there is a certain portion of people who are going to need more help and more hand holding in the application process. "
The grandfather clause we put in place is almost like we said to folks you have to buy a new car, even if you can't afford it right now.
What we did was we chose a path that was the least disruptive to try to FINALLY make sure that health care is treated like it is in every other advanced country. [They lied to force us into socialized medicine.]This is what happens when one party rams complex laws upon the American people without reading the law. Doo Doo Economics and our allies at the San Diego Local Order of Bloggers have warned everyone about ObamaCare for years. These warnings were met with venom and hate by progressive. They threw human feces at my home. Now, that the shutdown and the tea party have been proven correct, Americans are met with a brazen political move designed to influence elections instead of doing what is best for America.
With all this failure and breakage of the health insurance system due to ObamaCare, the president now promises that we won't get "dragged back into a broken system." The federal government is breaking our legs and giving us crutches then expecting us to be thankful.
ObamaCare needs to be repealed. The law isn't a trainwreck, it is a jumbo jet crashing into a skyscraper.